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About Our Pastor 

I was not raised in a Christian home like many of you. In fact, I did not become a Christian until later in life. My journey has been one of many trials and difficulties. Yet, God never gave up on me. And in that sense, I am like you; God will never give up on you either.  I never had trouble believing that there is a God. The Bible says that creation testifies to God's existence by what He has created (Psalm 19: 1 -6). But, believing there is a God and trusting in Him for life are two completely different things (James 2: 19). All those areas in my life that I was unwilling to let go of (sin has an allure to it that offers much but ends in destruction) I now know held me captive and in chains. It was not until I began to understand the love of God for me that I was willing to let go of my sins and place my trust in Jesus (Jn. 3: 16 -17; 10: 14 - 18, 27- 30; Rom. 5: 6 -10), and allow Him to be Lord of my life, that I truly began to live. Jesus says, "I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly (Jn. 10:10), not only in this present life, but also in the life to come (Jn. 10: 27 -30; 1 Jn. 5: 10 -13). This is just the beginning. I have so much more to share. If you are interested and would like to hear more of my story, my journey that led me to becoming a Christian, and later my call to becoming a pastor, I would love to share it with you. I would love to hear your story as well and encourage you. The Lord invites you to come to Him (Matt. 11: 28 -30). His hand is outstretched even now. Please, email me or call. I would love to speak with you and hear your story. May the Lord guide you to Himself.   

Tom Lang

Pastor Bible Baptist Church

Pastor Tom and Sandy Lang

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